Explore seeks donations, grants and partnerships to provide the most fitting individualised support, time, programs and resources in the best interests of the young people we support.
Explore appreciates the provision of business mentoring, boats, sailing equipment, trailers, camping sites, boat work, transport, accommodation, camping equipment and financial support from groups, organisations and individuals.
Explore relies on the goodwill of many in creating a community of support, with a spirit of love and acceptance provide a 'safe space' to young people in need.
How can you contribute?
To support young people in need in the Southern and Eastern Melbourne areas and Western Gippsland, you may contribute by:
giving a one off or ongoing, weekly, fortnightly, monthly donation
sponsoring a specific YP to attend one of the programs,
sponsoring a program
contributing towards the running costs of Explore.
volunteering time to a program, equipment maintenance, transport etc.
Explore Youth & Family Therapy Inc.is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission. To make a direct debit tax deductible gift donation to Explore Youth and Family Therapy Inc. see details as follows:
Name: Explore Youth and Family Therapy Inc. BSB: 633 000 Account: 217069426 Mark as: 'ExploreYaFT' and your initials or initials of organisation.
Please email [email protected] with details of your tax-deductible donation so that we can send you a receipt.