Bush Adventure Therapy (BAT) & Bush, Outdoor & Adventure Therapy (BOAT) support young people in: discovering their potential; building self-efficacy, resilience, and confidence; challenged and developing team work; healthy relationships; learning helpful behaviours and positive/protective life skills.
Young people discover who they are and what they are able to achieve when they choose to set their mind and heart to their own goals. In re-authoring of their lives within a 'safe space', Bush Adventure Therapy is a practical way to develop skills and confidence in a challenging outdoor setting within a safe, temporary therapeutic community.
BATactivities include: 'Sailing On' : 4 pre-journey preparation and therapeutic group formation days, an 9 day sailing and camping therapeutic journey on the Gippsland Lakes in Victoria, Australia on Gunai Kurnai Country (never ceded). This being the core therapeutic process in helping to create opportunity for long-lasting change in young people's lives through re-storying an aspect each young person chooses to shift in their own life. We have a follow up reflective day post journey, individual support/counselling as required and some months later a 'Follow Up Camp' to reconnect, tell stories, reflect, encourage each other to continue our growth and close the Sailing On experience for the group.
OTI's include:
Weekend camps, hiking, sailing, base camping, ropes courses
Day trips: sailing, nature walks in rainforests, waterfalls, mountains and coastal areas, surfing, rock climbing, mountain bike riding, snow boarding, low and high ropes & initiative courses, caving and river sledding.
Shorter sessions: 'walk/bike and talk' in a park, nature or bush setting. We welcome peoples pets where appropriate to assist with the therapeutic process.
Robert is a member, volunteer and previous Vice Chair of Australian Association of Bush Adventure Therapy.
Image: Reflection time during Sailing On.
Participants make a group deal, aim to support one another, make a commitment to be authentic, encouraging and respectful of one another.