Explore provides early intervention, small group processes in secondary schools. Explore uses Unlimited & No Limits, developed by VITAL ProJeX. These processes create a safe place for young people to discover and grow their potential via action based learning in a small community formed intentionally by qualified therapists and trained volunteers. Action-based learning is a combination of experiential and adventure based learning.
Trust, respect, commitment, acceptance and other life values are modelled and experienced during each phase. Each young person sets their own goals and are accountable and encouraged in achieving their goal.
Each group has a maximum of 15 including leaders, allowing participation of 8-10 young people. The groups are facilitated by a Youth Worker and/or Family Therapist alongside school chaplains, well-being teachers and volunteers. Consideration is given to providing age groups, single gender or mixed gender groups. Young people may also participate as peer support leaders.
All young people are interviewed prior to making a commitment to the process. A key part of Unlimited & No Limits is voluntary participation and all young people are accountable for their commitment.
Unlimited (middle primary) & No Limits (secondary) is an 8 week (Phase 1) and 8 week (Phase 2) process of 75 mins a week. Young people participate in a bush adventure day trip in Phase 1 and further bush adventure day trip and then a two day hike in Phase 2. Young people may continue their growth journey and participate in Phase 3 - a Bush Adventure Therapy program, 'Sailing On'.
Young people are referred to the program by the Principal team, teachers, the school well-being coordinators, social workers, chaplains and youth workers.
No Limits has also been used to successfully extend and train Diploma of Youth Work students at Holmesglen TaFE, Moorabbin.
Please contact Robert Coller for more information on No Limit or Unlimited Group Prices and Bookings.
Youth at risk may be able to be individually sponsored for this program via Family Reconciliation & Mediation Program funding, a Melbourne City Mission program.
V.I.T.A.L. ProJex provides No Limits training for youth workers around Australia and is accredited within the Diploma of Youth Work.