
Sailing On 2016

     YaFT eNews No. 2
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Day 2 April 3rd 2016

Good Morning! The crew are waking up in their tents pitched on the longest silt jetties in the world. Located at Eagle Point in the Mitchell River, the jetties are made of silt and are a winding 8kms long. They are rich in nutrients for bird and river life and this morning are a place of wonder for our young people. Today consists of a group meeting and reflection then sailing into Lake King toward Bunga Arm.
Preparation days with the Tri-Yaks at Lysterfield Lake in March 2016 help our young people learn new sailing skills prior to sailing the Gippsland Lakes. Xplore Tri-Yak Adventures make their Tri-Yaks available to Sailing On. A huge thank you!
Yesterday, the crew travelled from Melbourne to the Icthus campsite arriving at lunchtime. They rigged the boats, loaded their camping gear and sailed within the Mitchell River to the silt jetties. Here they set up camp and prepared their first evening meal together.
Our volunteers this year are Gwen, Ken, Adam and Kalinda. Joy and Neil from Bairnsdale also met the crew and spent the afternoon ferrying cars and trailers in readiness for the journey's end! Thank you so much for your time given in so many ways.
The Mitchell River silt jetties are now the longest at 8km long since the silt jetties near the mouth of the Mississippi River sadly have eroded.
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